Work Experience

Learning is the most important part of working you get to communicate, develop, learn and experience new things with people from all around the world. Here are some of the projects I have worked on.

Founder and C.E.O

Roshan Bharat

Roshan Bharat initiative was created to provide the underprivileged children with educational resources as well as mediums We have worked with underprivileged children on skill based growth and activities, provided them with educational matter through our online platform ScholarBack. We aim to work on providing easy and accessible means of education while working to achieve the sdg 4.

•Created a platform for providing educational resources to underprivileged children. •Created an easy to access app to facilitate learning for underprivileged children.•Led projects like ScholarBack and GirlLytical under Roshan Bharat so as to facilitate learning and development of STEM skills •Monitored social media and online resources for trends.

•Created an e-learning platform called ScholarBack.

•Project shortlisted for Call For Innovators Germany and IIWA.

Director of Communications and Marketing

•Worked within budget parameters to develop and implement marketing strategies by analysing key data and consumer demographic.

•Developed Campaigns, Quizzes, Surveys and specific marketing strategies for clients.

•Created social media and outreach posts specifically aimed for the specially abled.

Inclusion Health won the Prepr Labs COVID-19 Community Challenge

UN75 National Team Confederation of Young Leaders

I was selected from a pool of hundreds of applicants to be a part of the national team of UN 75 which aims to facilitate dialogue amongst youth and bring out opinions which would directly be conveyed to the Secretary General Antonio Guterres this program has specially been made to celebrate 75 years of the

United Nations.

I was selected from a pool of applicants to be a part of the historic dialogue. The India-Mexico Youth Dialogue enabled a rich exchange of ideas between emerging leaders to think creatively about how the Mexico-India relationship may be strengthened through their own efforts.

H.E. Mr. Federico Salas , Ambassador of Mexico to India presided over the historic India-Mexico Youth Dialogue 2020. In attendance were diplomats, delegates/scholars from Mexico and India for designing a master plan paradigm to forge closer people to people ties, deepen cooperation and expand development space for overall empowerment of youth.

I was part of the technology team for my state that is Uttar Pradesh and aided in creating graphics, tech support.

UNEP and Samsung

Tunza Eco Generation Regional Ambassador

I was selected from a pool of thousands of students to become a regional ambassador for the Tunza Eco Generation UNEP and Samsung program with only 37 people selected from the world this was a highly selective and extremely competitive selection we as ambassadors plan to work and ensure ways in which our society can create change to help the environment. I was actively involved in climate conservation since a very young age whether it is conducting plantation drives in school or being an active part of green festivals, I even was a core part of my school’s nature club and conducted various activities on earth day planted saplings every month and maintained them.

As an ambassador I wrote reports on various environmental topics and I am still conducting various activities like seminars and plantation drives in my region as well.

Youth Representative

I was selected to represent my region so that I could highlight the problems faced by the youth, create sustainable solution, collaborate with officials to bring about change. On a whole act as a liaison between the community, young people and the government.

World Literacy Foundation Ambassador

I was selected as the ambassador for the World Literacy Foundation for India and the common goal was to promote the importance of literacy throughout the world.

We worked on fundraising and supporting the global program Aprende Leyendo which was meant to provide digital literacy programs to underprivileged children in the areas of Colombia. I conducted various online lessons, distributed books and launched ScholarBack an online learning platform on the world literacy day as an ambassador.

Marketing and Creative Team

I am a part of the student run non profit called the purple hydrangea project which aims to advocate for mental health in children and teens. As someone who has been bullied this project is really important for me. I work as a part of the creative and marketing team along with a group of wonderful girls from all around the world to generate awareness about mental health.

Member of Indian Youth Parliament

Created to foster a dialogue between the young people from various different cultures and states the Indian youth parliament serves as a platform for various young people to solve and bring about creative solutions to the various problems in the society.

United People Global Champion

I was selected from amongst thousands of people to become a champion for people by United People Global in Geneva, Switzerland.

The main goal is to be able to participate in positive activities that make their communities a better place

assist individuals who are passionate about building a positive future to do so in a positive way. It is also particularly important to include disadvantaged people; those who would otherwise have limited or no ways to contribute to improving their communities and to improving the world.

Intern at Synergy Plus Hospital

I interned with Dr. Praveg Goyal Cardiologist (A.I.I.M.S Delhi)

1)Observed patient doctor interactions in various departments of the hospital

2)Shadowed physicians particularly in the cardiology department.

3)Asked questions and wrote and article on biological sciences.

Radio Jockey

I served as the youngest Rj and worked for the 90.8 FM which is a community radio in the Ministry of Telecommunications and Broadcasting, I worked on the children’s program called Angel’s Club which was a program which spread awareness on issues like vaccinations, nutrition and even story time with a moral. I worked with several communities during my time there. I also went on ground to talk to various specialists about different topics related to child welfare

Research Projects

I did research on Positive Aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic. I worked with Dr. Nitin Butala who is a neurologist in the United States. Compiled my own findings with respect to the case studies that I read.Finally my project was published in a science journal

STEMi Makers

I worked as the creative and graphic associate with STEMi makers Africa to support STEM and to use my creative and graphic designing know how to good use.

Commonwealth Youth Alliance

I was selected to be a part of the prestigious inter religious commonwealth youth alliance. I was made the coordinator of the TP Action Group due to my work on climate protection.

International Youth Neuroscience Association

NCN Officer- India

I was selected as the NCN officer for all the IYNA Chapters in India and my work consisted of leading the chapters, communication, conducting activities and follow ups.