Sustainable Development Goals

I have worked extensively on the sustainable development goals laid out by the United Nations to achieve a better life for the coming generations by the year 2030 whatever I do is centred around these goals.

I have majorly focused on a certain number of goals that I really am passionate about to name a few

SDG 4- Quality Education

SDG 3- Good Health and Well-being

SDG 13- Climate Action

SDG 16- Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Sustainable Development Goal- 4

“Education is the most powerful weapon that you can use to change the world”

Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

Dr Kalam rightly said that education is the most fundamental right that every individual requires to be able to change the world. I strongly believe that education is the gateway to a prosperous future.

I have worked for the importance of education since the age of ten years. I have led various fund raisers, led charity runs like Run For Her, I have created platforms like Roshan Bharat, ScholarBack and GirlLytical for promoting SDG 4. I have till now worked with close to five thousand children through the many projects that I have taken via radio, NGOs, and my own initiative.

Sustainable Development Goal- 3

I have been deeply passionate about health of people in my community, I have seen my close ones suffer from diseases which are expensive to treat and keep up with. I have created various solutions like a Diabetic Retinopathy device and app which is really cost effective, I have developed a service to helps minorities navigate through healthcare system easily without any problems, I have also made a service which helps provide the right information and advice to adolescents regarding sexual health, reproductive health and rights so that they can get help on time and aren’t hesitant to learn and ask about it when they have one. I have shadowed Physicans in various departments specifically cardiology and surgery. I have also made a research paper with a neurologist and have my paper published in a medicine journal. I was one of the selected students for The Congress it is an honors-only program for high school students who want to become physicians or go into medical research fields. My nomination was signed by Dr. Mario Capecchi, winner of the Nobel Prize in Medicine and the Science Director of the National Academy of Future Physicians and Medical Scientists to represent my state based on my own academic achievement, leadership potential and determination to serve humanity in the field of medicine. I was given a full scholarship to be a part of the prestigious congress.My main aim is to get effective and affordable healthcare to people in my country as healthcare is a primary right of every person

Sustainable Development Goal- 16

“The day the power of love overrules the love of power the world will know peace”

Mahatma Gandhi

I have always believed that a country’s future depends on how it’s youth are shaped. If we need peace we must shape youth to be responsible with a rational sense of thinking.

The basis of growth and development depends on a firm belief in peace and equality and it should be supported with strong system of justice. I have been a part of various conferences like the Young Minds For Good Stewardship Community and Peace Building. I was selected as the delegate for India presented a report on Indian peace and led a panel discussion in the presence of 500 other youths from all around the world. I was also selected as a delegate for both days of the UNITE 2030 summit during the global goals week of the United Nations General Assembly. We discussed various issues and heard brilliant panellists talk.

Sustainable Development Goal- 13

I have been really passionate about the environment. The current situation that our climate is under in isn’t good. We as young people are capable of changing this. With the same belief I have advocated and worked for this cause since my school days. I have led various plantation drives with organisations like Innerwheel, conducted awareness program with my fellow students on earth day. Been a part of the Nature Club in my school as well. I have been the part of the annual Haryali green festival held in my city written reports and I am also the Indian Ambassador to UNEP Tunza Eco Generation and the International Coordinator of Inter Religious Commonwealth Youth Alliance Tree Plantation Action Group. I was also accepted as a delegate from thousands of applicants to the I was selected from hundreds of applicants to attend the Regional Dialogue on Youth Empowerment in Climate Actions.The Regional Dialogue is co-convened by the UNDP Bangkok Reg The Regional Dialogue is co-convened by the UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub, UNICEF East Asia and the Pacific Regional Office, UNFCCC Regional Collaboration Centre – Bangkok, British Council, YOUNGO, Movers Programme, and 2030 Youth Force. The purpose is to enhance youth empowerment for climate actions in the lead up to the Asia-Pacific Climate Week and the COP 26 in the United Kingdom and beyond.

AFS Intercultural Programs

I was one if the 23 students in the world who were awarded scholarship to attend the AFS Global You Program. This program taught me to be a global citizen, helped me understand the different cultures, communication patterns and how we can reduce prejudices towards people based on their gender, ethnicity and race. I learnt about how we must believe in equality and respect. I also was a part of the AFS global Ideathon where I ideated with fellow participants from all around the world and different timelines to come up with solutions for a common cause which was digital inclusive education. It showed as young people who believe in a equal and just world can work out solutions to the problems even if they are not at one place. I learnt about a number of SDG’s namely goal 4,5,10 and 17