
Here are some pictures of the things that I did at school.

I have been a diligent student and have managed studies along with my extra curricular activities

I have been the recipient of merit certificates throughout my school years for achieving the highest marks in various subjects.

I have been actively engaged in activities like writing, dramatics, elocution,singing. I have been a part of competitions like Talent’s Day, Bournvita Quiz Contest, Albert Barrow Writing Competition, ASISC National Writing Competition, Wiz National Spell Bee, and have secured a place for my school in all of these.

I have been a part of the student council and have led the red house as a captain and even emerged as the best house that same year. I have been actively involved in singing and have won various singing competitions on occasions like Gandhi Jayanti, Children’s Day.

I have always loved to be acquainted with the current affairs around the world and learning about the past and world history and for that reason I have always participated in various interschool and inter house quizzes and have won in all of them.