About Me

Music and Radio

Social Initiatives


Entrepreneurship and Leadership

I am a biology student and a STEM enthusiast , I absolutely love to work with anything related to science, whether it is observing specimens or conducting research on fruit flies or developing an app to making specimens of hydraulic bridges I do it all.

Due to the inquisitive nature that I have, I am always searching for new ways to solve existing problems this lead me to become a social entrepreneur of various platforms some of them being Roshan Bharat , ScholarBack and GirlLytical.

I have been an ardent fan of music since a young age, I started my musical journey at the age of 4, formally trained for years and gave various stage performances and won accolades on national level. I even used my love for music to do fundraiser’s for the underprivileged children.

I do not stop there I have been actively writing and creating meaningful content. I have worked as one of the youngest Rj’s in the ministry of Telecommunications and Broadcasting managed 90.8 FM and have led a successful show advocating and spreading awareness about important topics for the children relating to health and hygiene, nutrition and more.

I have been a passionate advocate for children’s education and have been doing it since a very long time it started from a very young age but it only grew from there, I started off by teaching underprivileged kids in my community then at my school, working in NGO’s and finally starting my own platform to help them attain the SDG-4 for quality education.